Being a parent isn't easy. When you combine working and parenting, it's downright difficult. After working a full day, you have to come home, cook, clean and spend quality time with the kids, all while hoping to get some sleep that night.

My blog will provide encouragement, information, and hopefully a few laughs to support working parents (myself included). Sign up with your email address if you'd like to get that encouragement and information directly in your inbox!

**This blog is very new so check back often (or subscribe by email) as I add more information.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Seven reasons I won't lose to my 3 year old on purpose

Last night, my 3 year old son and I were playing board games. He would occasionally try to choose cards that would put him in a better position to win, even though they were not at the top of the draw pile. I called him out on it every time.

I know many parents who purposely let their children win when playing games. After all, it's just a game, right? I will never be one of those parents. Here's why:
  1. I want my child to learn to try his hardest at all times. I want him to understand that life is not always easy but that does not mean you do not try your best at everything you do.
  2. I do not want my child to think he deserves to win every time. As much as I want my child to be happy, I also want him to learn that life is not always fair and even when we try our hardest, we don't always win.
  3. I want my child to learn to how to handle his emotions when he loses. It is frustrating when you don't win and he needs to know how to handle that frustration.
  4. It is important that my child understand how it feels to lose. That way he'll be more considerate of others when he wins.
  5. It's not honest. If I allow my child to be dishonest with something as minor as a board game, he will think it is acceptable when something more serious comes along.
  6. I want my child to be an adult with integrity. You don't earn respect by taking the easy way out.
  7. I want my child to understand the joy of earning his own victories. That will go a long way toward teaching him to be a hard-working adult.

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